Friday, October 30, 2009

Propellant CAN Be Worse Than Bugs!

Growing up I was highly allergic to bug bites (come to think of it I still am). One day I was standing in front of my grandmother's house playing with my siblings and my cousins, when suddenly I started to pass out. My brother ran and got my grandmother who grabbed me up and rushed me inside. Her first thought was that I had gotten too hot so while dialing the doctor held me in front of the window air unit. I came to, but when she moved away from the window I became weak again and again began to sink. She rushed back to the window and then with the all knowing look of a grandmother rushed me to the bathroom, ran water in the tub and before you could blink twice was scrubbing me all over like crazy.
It worked, before the doctor even arrived (they made house calls in those days). As it turned out I was allergic to the propellant in some bug spray we had put on earlier to keep the mosquitoes away. At that time it was ether, they don't use it any more, but I still have adverse reactions to sprays.
My grandmothers quick response could have actually saved my life.

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